Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker 4 Full Patch

Hmm, dulu Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker 3.8 sudah pernah di-posting di BAGAS31. Nah, akhir-akhir ini Aleo merilis versi barunya, yaitu Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker 4, dan kini saya akan membagikannya kepada sobat BAGAS31. Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker adalah software yang berfungsi untuk membuat Animasi Flash. Dengan software ini sobat dapat membuat Flash dengan mudah dan cepat. Selain mudah dan cepat untuk digunakan, software ini juga memiliki size yang kecil lho. Sobat pun juga bisa membuat GIF dengan Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker 4 ini.


Download :
Features :
  • Wizard style user interface, extremely easy to use;
  • Customize width, height, frame rate of Flash movie;
  • Add border to Flash movie;
  • Add MP3 or WAV file to Flash movie as background sound effect;
  • Embedded sound controller
  • Add preloader to Flash movie;
  • Add multiple images or Flash movies to background;
  • Lots of background effects to select from, all of them are customizable;
  • Add multiple background effects to Flash movie;
  • Set background of Flash movie as transparent, solid color, linear gradient color, radial gradient color;
  • Display images as dynamic effects, or display as static images on background;
  • Display texts as dynamic effects, or display as static texts on background;
  • Display Flash SWF movie (AS2) as dynamic item
  • Display animated texts and images one by another, or set up incoming time and duration time of each text or image respectively.
  • Unlimited stages of animated text and image effects;
  • Unlimited lines of text effect in one stage;
  • Customize font style, size, width and height scale, transparency, rotation, border of text, set fill style of text as solid color, linear gradient color and radial gradient color;
  • Set different font style of texts in one line;
  • Lots of text animation effects to select from, all of them are customizable;
  • Set web link of texts;
  • Customize timing of text effect;
  • Open web page when Flash movie stops or when user clicks on Flash movie;
  • Publish Movie as Flash SWF, GIF image and AVI video.
  • Generate HTML code to include Flash movie in your web page.
  • Unicode supported.

How to Install :
  1. Install Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker 4 seperti biasa
  2. Setelah instalasi selesai, jangan di-buka dulu softwarenya
  3. Copy "Patch.exe" dan "file_id.diz" dari dalam folder Patch
  4. Paste di folder instalasi Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker 4
    Default ~> C:\Program Files\Aleo Software\Flash Intro and Banner Maker
  5. Jalankan "Patch.exe", kemudian klik Patch !!
  6. Tunggu sampai proses Patch selesai
  7. Apabila sudah selesai, jalankan softwarenya
  8. Selesai
Semoga Bermanfaat :)
Jika ada masalah, mention saya di Twitter
Regards, Admin - Aditya Eka

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