Angry Birds Star Wars 1.1.0 incl Crack

Angry Birds Star Wars 1.1.0 incl Crack
Angry Birds Star Wars 1.1.0 incl Crack - merupakan lanjutan dari versi sebelumnya, terdapat 20 level baru di plot icy. Bagi kalian yang sudah tidak sabar memainkannya silahkan anda unduh melalui link dibawah.
Angry Birds Star Wars 1.1.0 incl Crack
  • 20 icy levels! Only a partial release, with the remaining 20 levels being distributed in future update(s). Our Hoth walkthrough videos are live if you need help.
  • Princess Leia! The damsel in distress first appears in Level 3-3, and features a tractor beam to pull heavy items. Officially, it is called a “gravitational field disruptor”. Note that this can be activated from any distance, which makes it extremely powerful.
  • Two new Bonus Levels! There is one new Droid and one new “Star” level. Note that the Star level is unlocked at 385 stars. Also, if you are already beyond that threshold, it should unlock as soon as you earn 1 star on 3-1
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