Screen Shoot:
- Increased upper allowed power limit for power limit adjustment slider on some extreme editions of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 600 series graphics cards
- Added minimum and maximum values to monitoring graphs (only in detached monitoring window mode)
- Fixed incorrect core clock monitoring on GeForce GT 640 series graphics cards
- Fixed incorrect clock monitoring and incorrect boost clock markers rendering after switching from pre-Kepler architecture card to Kepler architecture card on the fly
- Clock and voltage indicators are no longer rendered incorrectly after changing the skins on the fly
- Optimized fan speed indicator rendering on fanless systems
- EVGA On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 4.3.4. New version gives you the following improvements
- Fixed framerate calculation for DirectX10/DirectX11 applications, which actively use presentation testing during rendering (e.g. Max Payne 3)
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