Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Future Soldier Raven Strike DLC-SKIDROW

The second downloadable content for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier®, Raven Strike is a throwback to traditional Ghost Recon gameplay. It features larger maps, complex missions and an increased level of difficulty. There are three campaign missions, and a new Guerrilla mode map, each playable with up to four players.

  1. Three new missions in Campaign Mode
  2. Secure Dawn: a foggy marsh in Kazakhstan where the Ghosts will not be allowed access to advanced technology (no optical camouflage, drone, or sensor grenade) 
  3. Cold Walker: a train depot in the Russian countryside 
  4. Argent Thunder: a nighttime urban setting in Moscow
  5. One new map in Guerrilla Mode
  6. Sawmill: face 50 waves of enemies in a foggy Russian countryside

    Download via Letitbit
    Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 [Password : No Password]
    Gabung file dengan HJ Split.

    Cara Install
    1. Instal Tom.Clancys.Ghost.Recon.Future.Soldier-SKIDROW
    2. Instal setiap update dalam rangka kronologis versi - jika Anda belum memperbarui permainan Anda untuk v1.6.
    3. Jalankan GRFS_DLC2_installer.exe 
    4. Salin isi crack dari folder SKIDROW dan taruh di Instalan gamenya
    5. Blokir permainan dalam firewall Anda dan menandai konten kami Trust sebagai aman / dipercaya dalam program antivirus Anda
    6. Mulai permainan dari Soldier.exe
    7. Mainkan gamenya

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